- Sunday, November 22, 2015

It's been a while since I composed a top 10 list. These top 10s seem very popular with my readers- especially for Pinterest users. So with that being said I'm going to show you guys my top 10 anime original sound tracks. Rarely do I pay close attention to anime OSTs, but to the anime that can get me to listen to the background music while watching the anime, will get points from me. And these OST for the anime listed below did just that for me, I will list the anime whose OST I loved and post a song from the sound tracks from the anime that held a strong affinity with my ears lol. This top 10 is based on my top favourite original soundtracks in anime, not what I think is the best of the best. So please enjoy this top 10 list of my favourite OSTs!
- Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ok so where do I start with this one? Well let's begin with the excitement many people had with the announcement that the manga would be getting an adaptation. As I rarely read manga the only piece of reference I had to judge Prison School from was the trailer. For me, I'll only watch an ecchi anime if the anime is not just purely ecchi and has other sub-genres. Anime that passed through this filter are anime like To LOVE- Ru, Zero no Tsukaima, Nazo no Kanojo X, High School of the Dead and a few others which I really enjoyed. So after watching the Prison School trailer I got very excited to see the anime, got a couple of laughs out of it and the characters, mainly Meiko, looked so ecchily over the top I just had to hop onto the hype train to watch this.
- Sunday, November 01, 2015